Tuesday, February 20, 2007

First Signs of Spring

Happiness to you all. Life is beautiful. It really is. I am in Japan at the cusp of the season of pink sakura blossoms and sake-fueled hiakus.

Today I heard the first lusty sigh of spring. So, after teaching and buying my ticket to go to Hiroshima (i will be stoping in Kyoto & Nara as well, to check out the sakura in April), I decided to go out and look for spring.

I wandered past a local zen temple and the famous zenkoji temple near my home. i saw daffodils, heather, and plum blossoms. The sun was low and cast a warm glow over everything.

click here to enjoy a slide show.


Anonymous said...

Your fotos are awesome! Wish I were there where spring is way ahead of Vancouver! XOX Mom

Kachina Treasure Hunter said...

Beautiful, beautiful photos. I'm glad you are happy in Japan. Love, Dad

Grace said...

yes it is all so beautiful here. The days are getting warmer. I rode my bicycle today with just a black velvet blazer (don't ask :), pin striped shirt and tie (hehe)...and i was not cold at all. I will be doing a bit of ikibana (flower aranging) on sat with my friend Lynn.

Kachina Treasure Hunter said...

Are you doing OK Grace? You haven't posted in a long time. I miss your fantastic posts. Give us a heads up.
I'm having trouble with sending e-mails as I've tried to send one to you. Love Dad

Virgin Man said...

Back here in Canada, the spring is effking awesome. Love the Japan Spring pictures. Btw, you have been tagged. What do you read nowadays, Grace ?

Grace said...

dad -

ya sorry i have been bad and not posting regularily but have been doing good (hehe bad/good).

Sorry my email is getting full (i need to go thro a delete a bunch).

check out my new post! yay!