Sunday, February 18, 2007

Drawing Japan

I did a fantastic english lesson on friday with my 1st and 2nd year students at Yamanashi Gakuin Junior Highschool.

I handed each student in the class a piece of paper and then gave them specific instructions for drawing a picture (eg "Draw a sun in the top left corner. Draw a face in the sun. Beside the sun, on the right, draw a butterfly. Across the whole page, below the sun and butterfly draw Mt. Fuji. In the bottom, right, corner draw a city that has five tall buildings etc"). Then I asked them to answer questions on the back of their picture about it in full sentences (eg "how is the sun feeling?").

I was really surprised when they turned in their papers. They had drawn some of the most imaginative pictures! I was so impressed I decided to take some pictures of some of them and, eventually, decided to put the pictures together into a short movie.

I have uploaded the movie to youtube for all of you to see how creative my students are!

Click here and enjoy!

( if that doesn't work you can also see the video through mydeo )


Murasaki said...

Aw Gracie, thanks, you ROCK!

Unfortunately due to illness I missed out on doing a 'yearbook' lesson with my third-years, but I'll check and see if I have any lessons left before the end of term.

Catch you later!

Grace said...

hey kristine!

you should check out the local forum for my area (click on lessons)

I have posted a bunch of lessons I have made there
