Thursday, January 04, 2007


Today I had to head to my little desk at the Kencho (Yamanashi gov't office) because it was the official end of holiday time (*grumbles*).

I woke today with a really groggy drugged-up feeling in the head.

Ugh...a cold.

I scraped myself off my futon and jumped in my shower. My apartment was freezing. My kerosene heater decided to die on me yesterday, so i am stuck with using an emergency back-up tiny electric heater (which, is actually really dangurous - it burned a hole thro my kotatsu blanket last night when I wasn't looking). So ya, my place was freezing this morning. But, somehow I managed to get dressed and out the door. I rode my bike, stoping at a vending machine for canned coffee (in the hopes it would help clear my head).

I got to the Kencho and noticed everyone had these piles of new years postcards they were handing out to eachother. Oh dear, I didn't have anything to give out. Not to fret - I mustered all the creativity my clogged-head could muster and got to work. I grabbed some thick paper and pencil crayons and proceeded to make a bunch of really cute cards. One pictured a monkey jumping rope, another a little bunny trying to hide a giant carrot behind its back..hehe... all the work was worth it. After I greeted each with "akemashite omedetou goziamasu" (happy new year) and handed each of them a card, I got the chance to see the brightest, rarerest, smiles spark-up on their faces.

But, then i started feeling slightly dizzy from the cold in my head. I leaned over and told my coworker - Hiroko - beside me. She consulted another coworker and prestened me with various medicines ("take 3 of this and one of these..."). Not sure at all what I was taking, I followed instructions and downed the medicine.

Just then it was time for lunch. In light of it being the first day back in the office, we all got a special sushi lunch. I ate up my raw fish. Soon after lunch the medicine hit...I became really drowsy and could bairly keep my eyes open. After much flutterings and paperwork, I was able to go home early. So I spent most of the rest of my day, curled up (where, at least, it was warm) under my covers on my futon.

I hope i shall be feeling bright and chipper again by sat. I am planning on going hiking in the mountains around kofu with my friend Kelsey. Then, that evening, I may hit up an onsen and then go karaoking with my friend Lynn, who just got back from Thailand.

I love you all and hope you are in better health than myself. *hugs*


Anonymous said...

Sorry you're feeling under the weather. Stay warm and drink warm tea. Here's a serious warning- DON'T take "TAMIFLU" (Spelling?) It's wicked s__t. It has drugs that make people hallucinate and people in Japan have DIED from it. Please don't take it. (Not to freak you out. But wanting you to stay safe.) Lv Dad

Anonymous said...

ugh, mr. virus is floating around. i am sick too. nasty sore throat and dry cough :(

someone at work suggested i drink warm beer (?) wonder if that helps.

Grace said...

warm beer? Oh dear, well i hear warm sake with spices in it is supposed to help cure colds....i got a bottle as one of my gifts at the shinto "soul cleansing" have just gave me an idea....

Grace said...

do you need a perscription to get tamiflu dad? I didn't need a perscription to have the little white pills that my coworkers gave me. Hmmm...oh dear...

I have almost finished learning Katakana (the sylabary by which foreign/english words are written on japanese products) so now I can, atleast, have a clue what I'm consuming.