Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Moist Futons and Re-contracting

<----Here is a pic of my favorite silent film star Louise Brooks (isn't she lovely?)

<---- This is a pic by my favorite children's illustrator Arthur Rackham

This is a link to my favorite singer on Youtube Ysabella Brave. You must listen to her rendition of Cabaret.

here is an update on what ive been up to the last few days...

1) i had the most delicious "kitchen sink quesadillas" at my friend Lynn's. Her neighbour Olivia (a sweet girl from california, originally from Panama and of chinese anscestory) actually came over and wipped up the dinner. We hung out together along with Fred. Fred is this fanatastic, hillarious, sweet guy originally from England (but his ancestory is Indian). He is basicly the best guy in yamanashi (which I have told him :). He is friends with everyone and is always helping people out and treats all the women totally respectfully. Anyway, ya, so we had a great time just chatting and sharing our experiences teaching at our various schools.

2) I had disasteriously bad luck. I accidently left my two futons hanging outside (to air out) when I went out shopping on sunday. It was only when I was heading to bed later that night that I remembered they were outside. I went out to get them and saw that it had started to rain!!! My futons were getting soaked!! OH NO! Needless to say, I couldn't sleep on my futons that night and had to sleep straight on my tatami floor! Luckily, the next day was sunny so my futons were able to dry outside.

I had an earlier mishap with my futons a month ago. I had hung them outside to air. It was an especially windy day. Suddenly i looked outside and saw one of them flying off the balcony. I jumped to the balcony and watched as the futon floated down, through the trees below and into my neighbours yard. I ran outside (in my pj's) screaming "Oh no! MY FUTON!". I ran into my neighbours yard and retrieved my futon. It was only when I got back in my apartment that I realized i had been attacked by this horrible weed that leaves thorny burrs all over your clothes. I spent 1/2 an hour picking off the burrs from my pajama pants. Oh dear!

3) I accidently left a tea kettle on my gas burner in the evening. I didn't realize it until 3 hours later. The central gas had automaticly shut off. I wasn't able to use the stove or the hot water. I told my neighbour - Yi Mae - and she tried to figure out the central switch outside, to no avail. I was left without hot water or a stove until 9:30 when my supervisor Tanabe San showed up on my door step. Yi Mae had called him to let him know of the problem. He went outside and fiddled with the main gas switch. Finally he lucked out and the gas was working again. But, I had to run out right then to my school. So I didn't get to have a shower this morning. ugh. I am looking forward to a nice hot bath tonight.

4) I signed the papers. It is official - I am recontracting for another year in Japan!!! It was really hard to actually finish signing the paper with the pen. But finally I just took a breath and did it. I hope i made the right decision. Atleast I know I really love teaching in my schools and I will get the oportunity to save alot of money.

But, I am definetly coming to visit you all in vancouver at the end of July until mid August (not sure of exact days). I also want to take some video clips when I am in Vancouver to show my students what it is like. Today I spent most of the class explaining how many people drink starbucks coffee in Vancouver and want to live in condos downtown. I also told them all about 99cent pizza and hotdog stands (which are unheard of in Japan because it is considered rude to walk and eat at the same time). I couldn't believe how fascinated they were with things that I just think of as "everyday". It makes me realize how far away I am from you guys and all that is familiar.

*hugs* and happiness to you all.


Carissa said...

Oh my goodness, I love that ladies hair in the first pic. It's totally 1920's. I saw her hair actually, well her, lol, when I was looking at older hairstyles. I only wish I looked good with bangs but I dont'. She is lovely though.

Check out my blog, Grace, lotta strange things happening. But I got a new and good job.

love ya,

Anonymous said...

I think you definitely made the right decision to sign on for another year. Time to get more fluent in Japanese also. But I'm so glad you'll be home to visit in between. Hugs, Mom

Grace said...

carissa - yes isn't Louise Brooks hair devine? I actually have mine cut (by the "Blind Woodsman Salon" - yes they have a branch in Kofu!!) in a similar fashion.

mom - yes I believe I made the right decision to recontract.

(I deleated your post with spelling corrections. Frankly a blog is not an essay and I am free to spell as I choose on it.)