Our first stop with "Four Hearts" which is like a hip little cafe where english teachers love to gather. I had a very drippy taco salad (that turned out to be more of a wrap), Lynn had a grilled Vegi sandwhich. Then I had the most decadent brownie sundae with layers of choclate and vanilla icecream and whipped cream and chocolote and brownies and mmmmmm.... Lynn had a piece of yummy cheese cake. That is when Adam showed up and ate a brownie sundae himself *drools*. Then we decided to head to a combini and get a wee bit of alcohol.
I was apprehensive because of my last horrible hangover I had. So, i just got this one drink that I discovered. It was like 75% real juice (lemon and orange) and 4% vodka. Yummy! So, we had our drinks and proceeded to act like a bunch of fools in the streets (at one point we were skipping arm-and-arm down the side walk singing "we're off to see the wizard the wonderfull wizard of oz" :)
We decided to play a wee bit of arcade games before we headed out dancing. Lynn and Adam did this insane tyco drumming game (you each get a big tyco drum and drum sticks and have to beat it to the speed of the music - fun:), while I played a crazy shoot-em-up game (I am very much a peace-loving person, so I know it is out of character for me - but it was just that it was so easy to play and I have very low arcade skills).
Then it was time for purikura (picture club)!!

What is

Then you choose coloured backgrounds, lighting, etc and get a whole bunch of sticker pictures made.
The best part is that you also get to decorate the stickers (digitally) afterwords with stars, hearts, and even *ehem* poop :) It was a scream.
Okay, so, by then we were pumped to go dancing. We wandered around Kofu and poked in a few clubs

Finally we decided on a little place that was called "THE MUSIC BOX" and seemed to be playing house m

um, ladies do you know it's winter?---->
they seemed to have one room with a couple couches, a bar, and a few african masks hanging on the wall for good measure. In another room off to the side was where the dancing seemed to be at. So we grabed our one drink that came with our cover and headed into the other room.

I started to notice something funny about the way people were dancing around us.
"Is it just me Lynn, or does everyone seem to be trying to move their arms in exactly the same way in some kind of pattern?"
We looked around and noticed that more and more people were facing the DJ and doing these really fast spinning hand movements in intricate patterns, but in a particular set sequence to the beat.
As more and more people entered the room, we started to feel like we had stumbled across some strange dancing cult. Oh dear! Me and Lynn shrugged it off, determined to just "do our own thing" - aka dance like mad badgers.
But, soon, we started to feel pressed out of the room by all the others doing their wavy synchronized dance.
It was like they were doing aerobics to house music.
Finally Lynn, Adam and I had to escape that little room of dancers and get a breath. So we went to the other room where the bar was.
We couldn't believe how strange the dancing was. It was such a culture shock. I was so used to seeing people just doing their own thing, that seeing everyone moving excatly the same way in a crowd just freaked me out.
We got chatting with the bar tender and sharing our views (he thought we were amusing) and then we all decided to create our own dance right there. So Lynn, Adam, and I (to the amusement of the bar tender and several other people sitting about) created the most hillarious

Adam showing Lynn and I his mad dance skills ------>
The suddenly there was a excited rush and everyone around us were hurrying back into the dance hall. I got dragged in by some guy who said "the show is starting". Oh dear, what now.

I get in the room and I see 3 guys on stage all in black with great big glam rock hair. Then the three started performing the same synchronized dance but at an extreemly fast speed.
All the girls in the audience had out their phones and they were recording videos of the performance, so they could practice it later(I recorded a video too, but silly blogger won't let me show it to you).
I must admit these guys had some mad skills on stage. At one point the lead dancer pulled out this huge fan and proceeded to spin it all around his head at an insane speed.

Japan is so crazy. I love it.
Today I went out with my friend kat and bought ass pads.
*long pause*
for snowboarding.
Next weekend a big group of us JETS and assorted others our heading to Nagano for some mad boarding and other craziness. It will be my first time so I got some pads for my fanny and my knees today and some gloves and socks. yay! A friend of mine - Renee - is GIVING me a snowboarding coat (woot!). The rest of my gear I will rent there. Shall be quite the time I'm sure.
Happiness and hugs to you all!
I am learning so much about modern Japanese culture. Can I have one of your purikura photos? Hugs, Mom
sure. I am growing this huge pile of random gifts for everyone back home. I will stick a purikura in for you.
I am thinking of coming to visit for atleast 3weeks at the end of july, until mid august. I may just bring all my little suveniers then for everyone (so I don:t have to blow the bank mailing them all).
Grace! Hi Sista!
Japan is such a cool place, wish I was there with you. Thanks for your positive comment on my blog...I needed it that day desperately.
I'm again looking for another job. Ahh! :) Hospital was horrid.
Couple of possibilities have come up and I'm feeling very positive about it. Thanks for being such a ray of sunshine...hehehe sounds so cheesy but I really mean it.
I hope you come home and visit us! I am going to give you an enormous hug...don't worry I won't have Norwalk on me. Oh dear....that was not even funny...sigh.
Take care deary (((( Hugs ))))
So proud of you! :)
Hey how did snowboarding go?
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