Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Beware the Combini Fish!

oh dear oh dear...the drama continues.

Yesterday, I worked at the Kencho late planning my art lesson. So, it was past six when I started peddaling my bicycle home. Feeling hungry, I decided to pick up some dinner from the local combini (japanese version of "convenience store"). The pickings were slim, as it was so late in the day. But, I found myself a plastic container that looked like brown rice, various vegitables, and fish. So i bought it.

Oh dear.

Later that evening, I had settled down for a nice sleep, when I noticed that my stomach was getting large and bloated. "Maybe I just ate too much", I thought to myself and settled down to sleep. Suddenly I woke up in the middle of the night to lightening/thunder-like waves of nausia followed by horrible painfull stomach spasims.

Suffice is to say, I spent almost the entire night in the bathroom bringing my dinner back up. ugh! The next morning, I didn't feel like I could scrape myself out of bed again, so I gave a call to my supervisor Mr. Tanabe. Even with his low-english skills he knew what I ment right away when I said "bad fish". He told me to stay home for the day and rest. So I did. I had so little energy it took literally all my mental strength to get up (and I didn't even achieve this untill like 1pm).

All of today, all i have been able to eat is one piece of toast and a little bite of oatmeal. Luckily, a small miracle happened - the teacher I am working with tomorow called to say I don't have to come in as the students have an assembly. Yay! So i can recover my energy tomorow.

Horrible fish! Now I fear I may have developed a phobia of combini food. I suppose, it had to happen eventually. *shudders*


Anonymous said...

Eck! I hope you feel better soon. Stay away from Combini!! Sounds scary...

I'm glad you have a couple days to recover. :)

Take care,

Anonymous said...

ugghh, that's horrible! take it easy and be cautious of bloat-causing evil Japanese fish!!
glad your 'lil toe is not broken.

Dharma bum said...

Hey Grace, I hope you are recovering fine from the revenge of the fish. I remember a similar incident when Mom and I were in Sri Lanka and we ate some bad fish and my whole body turned red. Yuck. This will be a bit of a dilemma for me when I go to India as I don't eat meat - only seafood. Oh well vegetarianism, here I come.

Grace said...

Thankyou for all your well wishes :) I spent all day yesterday resting up. I could eat nearly nothing. But, I got a good rest last night and this morning I felt fit as a fiddle :)

I ate a huge breakfast and did my laundry, cleaned my house, paid my bills, and did some lesson planning. So Im back in tip top shape (except for my little toe still being a shade of purpely-pink).

Lets hope *cross my fingers* that no other sudden ailment jumps out to bite me.