Sunday, July 01, 2007

A Brand New You

There is a online forum for ALT's in my area of Japan. A few days ago one of the ALT's posted the question "what has changed about you since you've been in Japan". Her question created alot of responses from those in my area. This was my response:

I have realized the true value of...

friendship: which definetly takes precidence over any romantic relationships

living in the moment: because this is all temporary in Japan, I have come to treasure the experiences I have & people I meet that much more.

fearlessness: I am less afraid of being exuberant about who I am

patience: waiting through all the bloody red lights here and looong moments of silence before I can get an answer to a problem has taught me this.

gratitude: for all the kindness that I have been shown by my supervisor (he brought me medicine, yogurt, juice to my apartment when I was sick), co-workers (that have made me feel so welcomed in their schools), & friends (who make me so happy that I don't feel quiet so homesick).

adventurousness: I have had many EPIC adventures since I have come to Japan and seen so many beautiful places. I only want to continue my life (wherever I may be) living brilliantly; always seeking out new things and trying those things I am afraid of ( yay for facing my fear of heights and trying snowboarding!).

happiness: I have learned the true value of happiness after going through lonely, down times, durring my time here. I have learned that nomatter what, happiness will be there just waiting around the corner. All I need to do is keep walking and, eventually, I will stumble right over it.

I am blessed with so many things. It is a very humbling experience being here.

Dancing in Shinjuku

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