Saturday, January 13, 2007

what's black and blue and red all over?....

my baby toe!! Ouch!!

Yesterday evening I was over at my friend Lynn's house watching a sweedish movie (she lived in sweeden for two years before coming to japan), drinking some wine, and eating some gouda on crackers. I got up to use the bathroom and accidently walked into the metal foot of Lynn's bed. OHHAWWWGGG!!! After a lil screetching, I convinced myself I was fine.

Soon after, though, my left pinky toe started aching and turning purple and swelling up. Oh dear! Lynn got me a bag of ice and some whisky and slowly the pain was nummed. However, this morning not only did I have a massive hangover (having whisky and wine together in my tummy, don't mix) but my toe was still really sore and swollen. I left lynn's place and managed to hobble to the bus stop. I got home and did a bit of research on line and discovered that my toe is most likely broken. Supposedly, there is nothing i can do for it other than putting ice on it, taping it to the toe beside it, and consuming large amounts of pain killers. It seems there is not much point going to the doctor, as they are unable to do anything for it (they don't have a cast small enough for my lil baby toe). So, now my little toe has a constant painfull achey feeling. Suppoedly, it can take about 6 weeks for the toe to heal.

Oh dear, and Im planning on learning to snowboard for the first time in Nagano next weekend (a huge amount of JETs are heading down and spending the weekend there together). I hope my toe will be able to take the abuse. *cries*

sorry for the boring email, but what with my hangover and my disability I am sort of holled up inside tonight.

Hope all of you are in better spirits than me!

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