A whole bunch of us JETS packed into 3 rented vans and drove up to Nagano on friday night. It took 3 hours (including many pit-stops for alcohol, food, and playing in the snow). Yes, it started snowing when we were about half-way to Nagano. The snowflakes were so pretty we had to get out and dance with our tongues out :)
We were staying at a beautiful tudor-style hotel near the slopes in Hakuba. The hotel looked cosy and homey and was decorated up with christmas lights. Everyone gathered in the large loft (party) room at the hotel and stayed up late into the night.
The next morning we all woke up and had a nice little breakfast in the hote

I got on my butt pads, knee pads, rented snow pants, new jacket, my friend Renee had given me, and big snowboard boots. Then me and my friend Kat headed walked towards the slopes.
All the houses near were surrounded in a beautiful layer of snow. All around the tree covered

We walked up to the little bunny hill and Kat showed me how to strap my snowboard to my feet. Then she spent a good little while just teaching me how to st

After a few hours we were exausted from it all and went and grabbed some Subway (yum) near the bottom of the slopes. I noticed many Australians were working in and around the ski slopes (most of them working in Japan durring their summer holidays). I really had the feeling that I was not in Japan. Atleast, not in the Japan I had become familiar with. Most of the buildings near looked like English cottages and there was a crepe shop and a bar that sold australian food and a Haugen Daus icecream shop.

After our late lunch we headed back to our hotel. Near the enterance I noticed a

After playing in the snow I headed into the hotel and decided to join some of my friends in the sento (communal bath). The water was deliciously warm (like a hot tub) and all my muscles thanked me. It was a leasurely, beautiful evening. Hanging out with friends, a lovely dinner at the hotel, and a late night party.
The next morning I decided to give snowboarding one more try. This time I took the ski lift to a higher point on the slopes. I almost screamed the whole way on the s

Day 2 on the slopes: Fellow JET - Michelle- and I
But things got better when I tried to go down the mountain. I managed to stand and eventually go down straight for a bit (before falling on my ass). Every journey up the slope on the lift I got a bit more confident with snowboarding. By the end I was able to go down and even turn right and left to pass the boarders below me (yay for not crashing in them!). I got a little taste of what a rush snowboarding can be. As well, I fear I may have just become hooked on it. I will definetly be doing some more boarding this winter. Most likely my next stint will be when I am in Sapporo for the snow festival in Feb.
After another day on the slopes and another delicious soak in the sento, we all had to bid our lovely bit of paradise goodbye and head back to kofu in our vans. Atleast on the way back the sun was

When we all got back to Kofu we went out for the most delicious Indian Curry dinner (I got a plate of yummy Sag Chicken). All in all it was such a beautiful weekend. I really needed the vacation. I felt so refreshed and renewed.
Today my entire body was in pain from all the boarding on the weekend. But, I was still so very very happy. Being in Japan is so fantastic and I am so very lucky.
Wow Grace! So glad you had FUN at Nagano! Great photos too! Japan is truly a varied and amazing place and you're an amazing woman! Much love, Mom
Hi Grace!
I'm glad you had such a fun time snowboarding. I have always wanted to try it out. :)
I posted more pet pictures if you want to check it out.
Take care sweetie!
ya, Japan is definetly varied. I am going up north to Sapporo (which also hosted a winter olypic games, back in the 1970s) to do some more boarding this weekend.
good times.
grace, those pictures are wonderful! pure bliss in snow! lovely lovely :)
grace, those pictures are wonderful! pure bliss in snow! lovely lovely :)
Super site! I am Loving it!! Will return once more, Im taking your food likewise, Thanks. snow accommodation
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